Academic Support
Academic Support
Experiences of gender-based violence and harassment may impact a student’s academic experience as they navigate classes and coursework.
Campus resources including the Gender Violence Services Coordinators (confidential), the Equal Opportunity and Compliance (EOC) Office (private) and the Dean of Students (private) can help discuss the options below and others that may exist based on a student’s individual needs and circumstances. The list of resources below is not intended to be an exhaustive list.
- Professor notifications are emails that the Gender Violence Services Coordinators (confidential) and the Equal Opportunity and Compliance (EOC) Office (private) can send to a student’s faculty members to inform them of the student’s connection to resources and initiate conversation between the student and faculty member about potential flexibility that may exist for their course. These notifications do not identify the reason why a student is connected with the GVSCs or EOC, but affirms the student is navigating a situation outside of the classroom.
- To explore the option for professor notifications, a student should directly contact the Gender Violence Services Coordinators (confidential) and/or the Equal Opportunity and Compliance Office (private).
- If a student is unable to attend class due to needs and circumstances related to gender-based violence and harassment, their absence may qualify for a University Approved Absence under the category of “personal/family emergency.”
- To request a University Approved Absence related to gender-based violence and harassment, a student may complete the online request form (submissions related to gender-based violence and harassment will be forwarded to the Gender Violence Services Coordinators (GVSCs) (confidential) and the Equal Opportunity and Compliance Office (EOC) (private). A student may also directly contact the Gender Violence Services Coordinators or the Equal Opportunity and Compliance Office to explore an approved absence.
- Students whose primary major is in the College of Arts and Sciences may request an exam excuse using Academic Advising’s online exam excuse request form. Reasons for requesting an excuse are listed on Academic Advising’s website.
- Students who have a medical or mental health illness during the final exam period that significantly impairs one’s ability to prepare for or take a final exam may participate in the final exam excuse request process through Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS).
- Students with severe psychological diagnoses that interfere with their ability to maintain full-time enrollment may request an underload of as few as 9 credits for the coming semester. Students requesting an underload should call CAPS at 919-966-3658 between 8am and 5pm M-F to schedule an underload appointment within the first two weeks of the semester.
- Students requesting an underload must supply documentation from a mental health therapist that they are currently treatment, and their disorder warrants a reduced course load.
- If a student impacted by recent gender-based violence or harassment is interested in a psychological/medical underload after the first two weeks of the semester, they can reach out to Counseling and Psychological Services (confidential), the Gender Violence Services Coordinators (confidential), the Equal Opportunity and Compliance Office (private) or Dean of Students (private) to discuss. If a student impacted by recent gender-based violence or harassment is interested in a psychological/medical underload after the first two weeks of the semester, they can reach out to Counseling and Psychological Services (confidential), the Gender Violence Services Coordinators (confidential), the Equal Opportunity and Compliance Office (private) or Dean of Students (private) to discuss.
- If you need to withdraw from the semester for psychological difficulties, complete an initial assessment through Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS). A psychological withdrawal for the current semester is processed through CAPS and must be completed before the last day of classes.
- When the student is ready to return to UNC, clearance by CAPS is required for readmittance and must be completed 6 – 10 weeks before the first day of class in the semester desired to return. To be cleared, a provider must fill out the Clearance Form and return it to Campus Health or CAPS.
- Students may reach out to their academic advisor or their school’s academic advising department to explore options mentioned in this section in addition to others that may be available.
- Students may reach out to their assigned advisor or attend academic advising drop-in hours that many schools offer.
- If a student would like assistance in connecting with Academic Advising, they can reach out to the Gender Violence Services Coordinators (confidential), the Equal Opportunity and Compliance Office (private), or Dean of Students (private) to discuss.
- Accessibility Resources & Service (ARS) | On Campus | Private | Monday – Friday 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
- ARS Website | ARS Email | Phone: 919-966-8300
- Located in the Student and Academic Services Building (SASB) North Suite 2126 (450 Ridge Road)
- ARS works with all students including undergraduate and graduate students, full-time and part-time students, students following continuing education courses or who may be auditing, and with program applicants.
- Through ARS, The University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill seeks to meet the individual needs of applicants and current students with disabilities and medical conditions as they relate to academics, residences, dining and co-curricular and extracurricular campus activities. ARS coordinates and implements appropriate reasonable accommodations including academic adjustments and provides appropriate resources and services in accordance with the American with Disabilities Act Amendments Act (ADAAA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act (504).
- For incoming or existing students looking to connect with ARS, please visit their Connect with ARS page.